Just lie back, relax and enjoy the amazing exfoliating effect of the gel-type foot mask!The soft gel-type exfoliating foot mask is spill proof. It's easy and convenient to use to gently exfoliate your feet to reveal smoother skin!
1. Remove foot sheets from package.The left and right foot sheet pouches are attached to each other. Fold the pouches and cut throungh the upper part of both layers of foot sheets (above the strap).
2. Your foot will easily slide through the opening.Peel off the sticker from the strap and wrap the strap around your ankle to adjust the foot sheets.
3. Leave on for approximately 60~90 minutes.(Do not leave on for more than suggested period of time,as product contains a high concentration of AHA.)
4. Remove foot sheets and wash feet thoroughly until completely clean.
5. Exfoliation will start from 4 to 6 days later. Allow dead skin to flake off naturally.
6. Enjoy smoother feet 2 weeks later.